
A coaching session with Dr. Metivier is $250.00 per hour

  • Career Coaching

    Career coaching is a personalized and collaborative professional development process in which an individual, known as the client, partners with a trained and experienced career coach to set and achieve career-related goals. This holistic and goal-oriented approach encompasses various aspects of a person's career, such as identifying strengths and weaknesses, clarifying aspirations, improving job search and interview skills, navigating career transitions, and enhancing overall job satisfaction. Career coaching aims to empower individuals by providing guidance, support, and strategies to help them make informed decisions, optimize their career paths, and achieve greater success and fulfillment in their work lives.

  • Relationship Coaching

    Relationship coaching is a specialized and collaborative form of personal coaching that focuses on improving and enriching interpersonal connections and relationships. In this process, an individual or a couple seeks the guidance of a trained relationship coach to address specific challenges, enhance communication, and foster a deeper understanding of themselves and their partner(s). Relationship coaching aims to provide clients with tools, strategies, and insights to navigate relationship complexities, resolve conflicts, and create more fulfilling and harmonious connections. The ultimate goal of relationship coaching is to help clients build healthier, happier, and more sustainable relationships, whether in the context of romantic partnerships, family dynamics, friendships, or professional interactions.

  • Life Coaching

    Life coaching is a transformative and client-centered approach to personal development in which individuals, referred to as clients, work collaboratively with a trained and certified life coach to set and achieve a wide range of life-related goals. Life coaching encompasses various areas of a person's life, including career, relationships, personal growth, health, and overall well-being. It aims to empower clients by helping them gain clarity on their aspirations, identify and overcome obstacles, develop strategies for self-improvement, and make positive and sustainable changes in their lives. The life coach serves as a supportive guide, offering encouragement, accountability, and tools to help clients reach their full potential, find greater fulfillment, and create a life that aligns with their values and desires.